Re: IPA and typography

From: William J Poser (
Date: Thu Jun 11 2009 - 12:41:19 CDT

  • Next message: Magda Danish (Unicode): "Two new translations posted"

    >Does anybody know of an active discussion forum where IPA-using=20
    >linguists consider typographic and font issues of their business?

    I am an IPA-using linguist. I don't know of any forum that is really
    devoted to typographic and font issues. A mailing list that might be
    appropriate is that of the Resource Network for Linguistic Diversity,
    which is fairly technically oriented. Got to:

    There is also a phonetics mailing list called "fonetiks". See:

    If you want to reach a large subset of linguists, e.g. to post a query,
    you could post to the LinguistList mailing list. To learn about the list
    and read the archives go here:

    Information about posting is here:


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