From: Christopher Fynn (
Date: Fri Jun 19 2009 - 12:58:05 CDT
I wasn't suggesting that there was any legal requirement to do so, just
seems that most well known trade names (e.g. CocaCola, Sony, Kodak,
Volkswagen, Nikon, etc. etc.) normally retain their spelling in all
languages that use the same script.
Hans Aberg wrote:
> You should have cc-ed the mailing list (which I do), so the legal
> experts can help out.
> In general, though, copyright, trademarks, and patents are regulated all
> by local law, and though there may be treaties to adjust them, these
> treaties are not law. So it depends on what local law says, and what the
> owner of the trademark wants. But this is only commercial usage, I think
> - mostly people still have the freedom of expression to use whatever
> they like. Check your local constitution :-).
> Hans
> On 19 Jun 2009, at 04:02, Christopher Fynn wrote:
>> Since "Unicode" is a trademark, surely the original spelling should be
>> retained wherever that is reasonable?
>> [<>
>> Unicode and the Unicode logo are registered trademarks of Unicode, Inc.]
>> - C
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