Re: Unicode Haiku Contest

From: Asmus Freytag (
Date: Mon Oct 12 2009 - 11:09:55 CDT

  • Next message: Jon Hanna: "Re: Unicode Haiku Contest"

    On 10/9/2009 8:11 AM, Jon Hanna wrote:
    > Mark Davis ☕ wrote:
    >> We currently have 122 entries currently, the latest being at 9:33:21
    >> PT this morning, to wit:
    > I have one. It's also more of a senryu than an haiku, if even that,
    > with a notable lack of kigo. Will I be disqualified.

    the announcement stated:

    "Each entry should be 3 lines, with 5 syllables on the first, 7 on the
    second, and 5 on the third. You can enter as many different submissions
    as you want. Submissions are judged based on their relation to Unicode
    and/or SW Globalization, and most importantly, cleverness and whimsy."

    This does not mention any traditional rules about Haiku composition
    beyond the division in lines of a stated number of syllables. My
    expectation would be that the judges should be careful before
    disqualifying anything that fits these criteria...and I would be
    disappointed, if, after this wording in their announcement, they would
    restrict entries to a narrow traditional interpretation of Haiku, or
    indeed made anything like that a factor in judging the entries.


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