Re: Superscript comma

From: John H. Jenkins (
Date: Mon Nov 16 2009 - 20:28:56 CST

  • Next message: Asmus Freytag: "Re: Superscript comma"

    The correct way to represent superscripted text is with a higher-level protocol. The existing superscript characters are present either because of their use in transcription systems or for round-trip compatibility with earlier standards. It is very unlikely that a superscript comma will ever be added to the standard.

    There's a FAQ on superscripts on the Unicode Web site, but the page seems to be down at the moment.

    On Nov 16, 2009, at 6:22 PM, Daniel Bonniot wrote:

    > Did I miss a correct way to represent this text? Or is there a chance
    > superscript comma could be added to a future version?

    John H. Jenkins

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