Re: Medievalist ligature character in the PUA

From: Eric Muller (
Date: Fri Dec 18 2009 - 16:59:41 CST

  • Next message: Asmus Freytag: "Re: Medievalist ligature character in the PUA"

    On 12/17/2009 4:37 AM, Karl Pentzlin wrote:
    > As the mentioned Wikipedia entries explain, there is no ligature
    > allowed
    > across constituents of composite words, which are common in German.
    > Thus, in "Affe" (monkey) a ff ligature is to be applied (although
    > the word division Af-
    > fe is correct), while in "Schaffell" (fleece of sheep, composed of
    > "Schaf" sheep + "Fell" fleece) no ff ligature is allowed.

    Is there easily accessible code+data that determines, given a word, the
    points where ligatures are allowed/not allowed?

    Is the problem amenable to a pattern-based implementation, similar to
    hyphenation patterns?

    Do the no-ligature points correspond to hyphenation points where a
    spelling change is required according to traditional orthography?


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