Localizable sentences are in a PUA for development purposes (from Re: off-topic discussions)

From: William_J_G Overington (wjgo_10009@btinternet.com)
Date: Mon Jan 18 2010 - 01:14:26 CST

  • Next message: William_J_G Overington: "Re: A poem using localizable sentences"

    On Sunday 17 January 2010, Doug Ewell <doug@ewellic.org> wrote:

    > When the topic has
    > to do with something like using the PUA to represent
    > non-character purposes, such as localizable sentences, this
    > may provide a fairly reliable basis for manual filtering.

    For the avoidance of doubt, the localizable sentences are not non-characters in the Unicode sense, they are suitable for sending messages within the rules of using private use characters.

    The codepoints for the experiments with localizable sentences are in a Private Use Area, in fact in the plane 15 Private Use Area, yet that is only so that they can be developed fully in accordance with the rules of Unicode.

    Hopefully one day some localizable sentences, not necessarily those used by me in the experiments, will be encoded into regular Unicode.

    Much of the development is in the following thread.


    Here is a part of a post from that thread, which seems relevant here. I expressed the view that my hope that some localizable sentences will be encoded into regular Unicode is based upon the fact that the emoji have been encoded, so quickly and in full.


    It seems to me that if one or more manufacturers of mobile telephones produced a list of localizable sentences, language-independent glyphs for them and Unicode Private Use Area codepoints for them, incorporated them into mobile telephones or maybe not even into hardware but into software applications to run on mobile telephones, then there is a high probability that the Unicode Consortium would quickly encode the localizable sentences into regular Unicode.

    Certainly the precedent of the emoji may well rely to a high extent upon from where the proposal arrives.

    A person who can vote in public elections cannot be a voting member of the Unicode Consortium.

    end quote

    One thing that I wonder about is this. The glyphs that I have designed are essentially three times wider than they are high. Emoji tend to be square. Would a mobile telephone implementation of glyphs for localizable sentences, either hardware-based or software-based, be able to use the landscape format wide glyphs or would square versions need to be designed?

    William Overington

    18 January 2010

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