Re: U+2015 HORIZONTAL DASH, 2-em and 3-em dashes in the Chicago Manual of Style

From: Jon Hanna (
Date: Tue Jan 26 2010 - 15:55:22 CST

  • Next message: Michael Everson: "Re: U+2015 HORIZONTAL DASH, 2-em and 3-em dashes in the Chicago Manual of Style"

    Rick McGowan wrote:
    > One question I have here, before we go off to suggest adding these.
    Does anyone have evidence that 2-em and/or 3-em dash were ever produced
    in metal (hot or cold), as distinct pieces from the 1-em dash? (This is
    a question. I'm not stating a proposed requirement.)

    Funnily enough, given that this thread started with reference to the
    15th edition of the Chicago Manual of Style, we can find evidence of in
    the 4th edition:

    "240. Two- and three-em quads are multiples of the above,
    cast in one block of type-metal. Two- and three-em
    dashes are dashes the width of 2- and 3-em quads,

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