Re: Medievalist ligature character in the PUA

From: Christoph Päper (
Date: Fri Jan 29 2010 - 15:11:40 CST

  • Next message: Mark Davis ☕: "Re: FYI: Google blog on Unicode"

    Karl Pentzlin:
    > Regarding Fraktur, beside any revivalist activities, it has a continuous use for special purposes. For instance, it is used on (...)

    ... covers, posters and apparel associated with several styles of music. Of course, this is title use, not text use, too.

    > Letterspacing is something which ideally would be treated on a higher protocol level, like italics. But while there seems to be no HTML tag pair comparable to <i> ... </i>,

    As one would expect, CSS has the ‘letter-spacing’ property. Properties for ligature treatment are in the making.

    > To indicate to such a software which ligatures it has to separate then, it seems appropriate to declare the ch/ck/tz ligatures as "rlig" and the other ones as "liga".

    Sure, German ‹ch, ck, tz› are just the special glyphic renditions of suborthographic ‹hh, kk, zz› anyway – you could call the former ‘ligatures’ of the latter if your definition of that term was very broad, then you could even argue for coding these as double consonants.

    This is nothing special among roman writing systems btw., eg. English final ‹y› (often in Greek-based nouns) is similar, showing its true nature in the plural ‹ies› (one could see it the other way around, though). German (long) vowel digraphs are a bit more complicated, because doubling does occur, mostly for disambiguating homophones (for ‹a, e, o› with special ‹ie›, besides ‹Vh›), and uppercase umlauts were so uncommon until recent times that even today toponyms are usually spelt with ‹Ve›. But I digress.

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