Re: Greek chars encoded twice -- why?

From: Arno Schmitt (
Date: Thu Feb 18 2010 - 03:12:53 CST

  • Next message: Apostolos Syropoulos: "Re: Greek chars encoded twice -- why?"

    Apostolos Syropoulos wrote:

    > Indeed, this is something I was wondering about for a long time.
    > I was thinking that they wanted to have two "autonomous" blocks:
    > one for modern monotonic and one for polytonic. But then they should
    > have included all the unaccented letters. On the other hand, some
    > use different symbols for tonos and oxia and maybe this is the real reason.

    > A.S.

    Yes, that idea came to my mind, too.
    But is there any Greek text in which
    BOTH tonos AND oxia are used,
    used as distinct letters having different

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