Problems with Windows 7 Unicode Font Rendering

From: Vinodh Rajan (
Date: Sun Feb 28 2010 - 12:27:48 CST

  • Next message: "Re: [unicode] Problems with Windows 7 Unicode Font Rendering"

    I have a peculiar issue with Windows 7 Unicode Font Rendering.

    Windows 7 seems to support the display only one script block of a
    Multi-Lingual Font (Such as Arial Unicode MS, Code2000) at a time. The
    other script blocks in the same font are not rendered properly at all.

    But the fonts have full support for all the blocks.

    Is it an issue with the latest Uniscribe Engine ?

    My Uniscribe Version is 1.626.7600

    With Regards,

    Vinodh Rajan

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