Re: Hivemind request for decyphering old English

From: John W Kennedy (
Date: Thu Mar 04 2010 - 21:04:10 CST

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    On Mar 4, 2010, at 8:39 AM, Julian Bradfield wrote:
    > In what way unusual? You can find that style of gothic (or Old English
    > as we call it!) script anywhen from C13 to the present, though I
    > agree it looks more characteristic of a century earlier than the date
    > they have (Perhaps the writer was quite old.).

    Or perhaps antique forms were simply seen as more appropriate to monumental use -- the "PVBLIC LIBRARY" phenomenon.

    John W Kennedy
    "The bright critics assembled in this volume will doubtless show, in their sophisticated and ingenious new ways, that, just as /Pooh/ is suffused with humanism, our humanism itself, at this late date, has become full of /Pooh./"
      -- Frederick Crews.  "Postmodern Pooh", Preface

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