Next message: Kenneth Whistler: "Re: Policy on character name aliases?"
- Previous message: karl williamson: "Policy on character name aliases?"
- Next in thread: Kenneth Whistler: "Re: property, character, and sequence name loose matching"
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- Maybe reply: Kenneth Whistler: "Re: property, character, and sequence name loose matching"
- Maybe reply: Kenneth Whistler: "Re: property, character, and sequence name loose matching"
- Maybe reply: Kenneth Whistler: "Re: property, character, and sequence name loose matching"
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The loose matching rules in TR18 say to ignore white space, underscores,
and hyphens. That means that someone could insert white space into the
middle of what is supposed to be a single word, like
\p{s c r i p t: greek}. Same for character names.
Someone has pointed out to me that UAX34 says this: "Like character
names, names for sequences are unique if they are different even when
SPACE and medial HYPHEN-MINUS characters are ignored". The term
"medial" isn't in TR18. That same someone pointed out that if you can
have spaces between characters in a word, that means the concept of
"medial" is meaningless.
Please explain what was meant.
- Next message: Kenneth Whistler: "Re: Policy on character name aliases?"
- Previous message: karl williamson: "Policy on character name aliases?"
- Next in thread: Kenneth Whistler: "Re: property, character, and sequence name loose matching"
- Maybe reply: Kenneth Whistler: "Re: property, character, and sequence name loose matching"
- Maybe reply: Kenneth Whistler: "Re: property, character, and sequence name loose matching"
- Maybe reply: Kenneth Whistler: "Re: property, character, and sequence name loose matching"
- Maybe reply: Kenneth Whistler: "Re: property, character, and sequence name loose matching"
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