From: CE Whitehead (
Date: Tue Mar 09 2010 - 19:55:12 CST
Hi, thanks that was really nice of you to right back to me. Andreas.
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Re: Arabic aleph representation of glyphs
From: Andreas Prilop (
Date: Tue Mar 09 2010 - 11:06:04 CST
Andreas was right!
On the page, the only display problems I saw were for the medial forms of 'm' and 'n;' but when I changed the font to traditional Arabic font--or else to Tahoma with Arabic script,
the display problems disappeared;
however I still have one question if anyone cares to answer it (I realize I don't know this stuff well enough),
bizarrely although I could see that the encoding for Raymond's text file seemed to be some form of Unicode
I could not view the source characters but only a series of ? marks and when I tried to save these I saw that the encoding was changed to ansi;
thus I still believe that some character confused my browser/notepad;
I still tend to support Raymond on this.
(Normally I have no problems getting unicode source code)
See below:
?? ??? ??
?? ??? ??
?? ??? ??
?? ??? ??
?? ??? ??
?? ??? ??
?? ??? ??
?? ??? ??
?? ??? ??
?? ??? ??
?? ??? ??
?? ??? ??
?? ??? ??
?? ??? ??
(I have IE 7 not IE 6 so I was surprised; I expected the characters to all download readily
. . . apparently not and I don't understand this but since everything is fine in another font I guess I can't figure why)
Thanks for all your help with this!
C. E. Whitehead
> From:
> To:
> Subject: Re: Arabic aleph representation of glyphs
> Date: Tue, 9 Mar 2010 21:52:27 +0000
> Ok Ok. I have realized that there are Arabic fonts in which the medial is
> identical to the initial, and I did not expect to find that. I was looking
> for a display that looked more like what you see in Arabic grammars, with
> distinct medial forms.
> End of story. Sorry to be a bother.
> Raymond Mercier
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