Re: Support in Silverlight 4.0 for all major Indic Languages including Tamil

From: Christopher Fynn (
Date: Sun Mar 21 2010 - 02:58:42 CST

  • Next message: AndrĂ© Szabolcs Szelp: "Re: super- and subscripted characters"

    N. Ganesan wrote:

    > INFITT will be pleased to see Adobe products like Flash,
    > and publishing software, InDesign, ... supporting
    > Indic scripts like Tamil, Malayalam, Telugu, Kannada, Hindi, ....
    > Hope Adobe adds Indic Unicode support soon!
    > N. Ganesan

    I have managed to get OpenType Tibetan fonts working in InDesign by placing another set of lookups in the font under the DFLT script tag using "generic" features. This also makes the Tibetan OT font work properly on Mac OSX. For Microsoft applications, I keep another set of lookups under the tibt (Tibetan) script tag using the usual features for the script. Several newspapers and publishers are using these fonts.
    I'm sure it would be possible to get most Indic scripts working this way.

    There is also a plug-in called IndicPlus available from which is supposed to enable the use of Indic fonts in Adobe's InDesign.

    C. Fynn

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