Date: Wed Apr 28 2010 - 21:46:41 CDT
> 2. A halant is not a phonological "zero" (see above).
> It isn't a pattern point for a missing sound. Instead,
> it is just a visible way of representing a phoneme (i.e., /k/)
> instead of a sequence of phonemes (i.e., /ka/).
> Just my opinions, of course. YMMD. ;-)
I agrees with Kenn.
The Halant in Indic Languags in any case canot be considered as the so
called "Linguistic Zero".
What panini says about lopa in the context of euponic combination(sandhi).
It can be explained like in this example
Root - go - (cow)
To produce the word - gomatsu (one having cow)
go + mat + su --> gomat --> ...
Heere in second step the 'su' is dropped and that can be considered as
'Linguistic Zero'.
The rule which is related to Halanta is different according to Panini.
He defines halanta as -" upadese antyam hal it syad".
I will post the translation soon
With regards
-- ********************************** JAGANADH G
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