Re: Greek letter "LAMDA"?

From: Kenneth Whistler (
Date: Tue Jun 01 2010 - 16:27:36 CDT

  • Next message: Kenneth Whistler: "Re: Greek letter "LAMDA"?"

    John Dlugosz asked:

    > Why does the code chart call the plain Greek letter (upper and
    > lower case) "LAMDA" rather than "LAMBDA"?

    Because ISO 8859-7 called it "LAMDA" rather than "LAMBDA".

    Note that Unicode 1.0 called it "LAMBDA", but synchronization
    of names for Unicode 1.1 (in 1993) was towards ISO names,
    and the drafts for ISO 10646-1 got their Greek letter names
    from ISO 8859-7 practice.

    > The latter is used in
    > other places where a glyph is based on the lambda, e.g.

    Yep. Known inconsistency -- but this is not considered an error.


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