Re: UTF-12

From: Andrey V. Lukyanov (
Date: Mon Jun 21 2010 - 19:13:14 CDT

  • Next message: Ed Trager: "Re: Using Javascript to Detect Script Support in a Browser"

    On Mon, 21 Jun 2010, Philippe Verdy wrote:

    > Yes, this is smart, especially for its exact mapping to Base64, where
    > it will even be superior to UTF-8 in many more cases (there should be
    > a comparison table of sizes between UTF-8, UTF-16 and UTF-12 in the
    > Base64 transport encoding).

    To compute the Base64 size, one simply multiplies the binary size by 4/3
    (1.333), so an additional table is not so much necessary.

    > You should also add, somewhere in the last section of your web
    > document, that Base64 is not just well suited to 7-bit only
    > environments, but as well to many 7-bit and 8-bit environments that
    > require MIME compatibility for controls and spaces (notably in
    > emails). After all, Base64 was first designed and standardized exactly
    > for that purpose.

    I added something about MIME.

    > One more question :
    > Your page is copyrighted and signed by you (with your email address as
    > the contact) ; this is absolutely not a problem (in fact it is a good
    > practice for all publications on the web), but there does not seem to
    > exist any proposed licence on your page, so the only way to get one
    > would be to contact you via your displayed email address.
    > Can this specification page be licenced by you in an open or free way
    > on this page, possibly dual-licenced under Creative Commons (CC-BY-SA
    > : author's attribution required, share-alike) or LGPL (because it
    > describes an algorithm, assimilable to library source code that will
    > then be freely modifiable and implementable) ?

    I added both licenses.


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