From: Andreas Prilop (
Date: Wed Jul 07 2010 - 10:32:47 CDT
On Tue, 6 Jul 2010, John Dlugosz wrote:
> I often see <?> glyps where typesetter chars like curved
> apostrophes were supposed to be, or characteristic
> UTF-8-as-Latin-1 pairs, in web pages.
> I've seen the charset meta tag overridden with header values
> from the server, without regard to what's actually in the file.
This means that *your* software (browser) behaves *exactly*
in the way I expect for Google, too -- nothing else:
Recognize the encoding information (charset) of the document
and respect it.
If the document has
then you SHALL apply this charset value.
You SHALL NOT look whether the author has a Chinese name,
whether the document was published in Japan, etc. etc.
Is this clear now?
-- From the New World:
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