Re: Latin Script

From: Mahesh T. Pai (
Date: Wed Jul 14 2010 - 00:43:59 CDT

  • Next message: Jonathan Rosenne: "RE: Bengali Script"

    Tulasi said on Tue, Jul 13, 2010 at 03:25:01PM -0700,:

    > Can you email the list of Latin letters/symbols that Unicode discovered?

    > Can you also email list of letters/symbols that are not Latin but each
    > has LATIN in its name?

    > Can you email the list of these letters/symbols as well, including names?


    +10000^1000000 to that.

    Unicode should not keep such information secret.

    What do you guys at Unicode think? That such information is a state
    secret or what? Huh?

    C'mon, out with it!!!!


    Sigh!! Some people never read replies. They just ask.

    Mahesh T. Pai   ||  http://[paivakil|fizzard]
    Free Software - it is free as in FREEDOM

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