Re: ? Reasonable to propose stability policy on numeric type = decimal

From: Bill Poser (
Date: Sat Jul 24 2010 - 17:00:18 CDT

  • Next message: Asmus Freytag: "Re: ? Reasonable to propose stability policy on numeric type = decimal"

    On Sat, Jul 24, 2010 at 1:00 PM, Michael Everson <> wrote:

    > Digits can be scattered randomly about the code space and it wouldn't make any difference.

    Having written a library for performing conversions between Unicode
    strings and numbers, I disagree. While it is not all that hard to deal
    with the case in which the characters for the digits are scattered
    about the code space, if they occupy a contiguous set of code points
    in order of their value as they do, e.g., in ASCII, it simplifies both
    the conversion itself and such tasks as identifying the numeral system
    of a numeric string and checking the validity of a string as a number
    in a particular numeral system.

    It may well be that adopting such a policy is not realistic, but there
    would be advantages to it if were.

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