Re: High dot/dot above punctuation?

From: Asmus Freytag (
Date: Wed Jul 28 2010 - 13:37:28 CDT

  • Next message: Philippe Verdy: "RE: Why does EULER CONSTANT not have math property and PLANCK CONSTANT does?"

    On 7/28/2010 10:09 AM, Murray Sargent wrote:
    > Contextual rendering is getting to be more common thanks to adoption of OpenType features. For example, both MS Publisher 2010 and MS Word 2010 support various contextually dependent OpenType features at the user's discretion. The choice of glyph for U+002E could be chosen according to an OpenType style.
    I know that the technology exists that (in principle) can overcome an
    early limitation of 1:1 relation between characters and glyphs in a
    single font. I also know that this technology has been implemented for
    certain (but not all) types of mappings that are not 1:1.
    > It's worth remembering that plain text is a format that was introduced due to the limitations of early computers. Books have always been rendered with at least some degree of rich text. And due to the complexity of Unicode, even Unicode plain text often needs to be rendered with more than one font.
    However, the question I raised here is whether such mechanisms have been
    implemented to date for FULL STOP. Which implementation makes the
    required context analysis to determine whether 002E is part of a number
    during layout? If it does make this determination, which OpenType
    feature does it invoke? Which font supports this particular OpenType


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