Results of public Review Issues (in particular #121)

From: Martin J. Dürst (
Date: Tue Aug 03 2010 - 03:19:20 CDT

  • Next message: Karl Pentzlin: "Re: Draft Proposal to add Variation Sequences for Latin and Cyrillic letters"

    Dear Unicode Experts,

    In a discussion about a new protocol, there was some issue about how to
    replace illegal bytes in UTF-8 with U+FFFD. That let me remember that
    there was once a Public Review Issue about this, and that as a result, I
    added something to the Ruby (programming language) codebase. I traced
    this back to the method test_public_review_issue_121 added at
    and from there to

    What I now would like to know is what became of the UTC "tentative
    preference for option #2", and where this is documented, and if
    possible, which other programming languages and libraries use or don't
    use this preference.

    On a higher level, this also suggests that it would be very good to add
    a bit more of (meta)data to these review issues, such as date opened and
    date closed and resolution.

    After manipulating the URI a bit, I got to and from there to, where I can find:

    Resolution: Closed 2008-08-29. The UTC decided to adopt option 2 of the PRI.

    This should be directly linked from (or just put that information
    on that page). Also, I'm still interested about where the result of this
    resolution is nailed down (a new version of the standard, with chapter
    and verse, or a TR or some such.

    Regards, Martin.

    #-# Martin J. Dürst, Professor, Aoyama Gakuin University

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