Re: Draft Proposal to add Variation Sequences for Latin and Cyrillic letters

From: Karl Pentzlin (
Date: Wed Aug 04 2010 - 15:33:47 CDT

  • Next message: Karl Pentzlin: "Re: long s (was: Draft Proposal to add Variation Sequences for Latin and Cyrillic letters)"

    Am Dienstag, 3. August 2010 um 02:47 schrieb David Starner:

    DS> ... I don't see why
    DS> unspecific forms should be encoded; if you want a nonspecific a, 0061
    DS> is the character.

    This is because I take into account the "implicit" application of a
    variation sequence on a base character by a higher-level protocol,
    which must be overridable in some way.
    In the next version of my proposal, I hope to make this clearer;
    propably I also will put another name on the "unspecific" variants.

    - Karl Pentzlin

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