Re: How to encode reversed section sign?

From: André Szabolcs Szelp (
Date: Fri Aug 06 2010 - 04:02:15 CDT

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    Hi, Janusz,

    it would be valueable information whether the reversed section sign
    encodes any other semantic than the normal one.

    It would help looking at the "key" of the dictionary which explains
    symbols and their usage, as it might well be, that the typesetter ran
    out of normal section signs composing a page, and used that one

    On the other hand, if he had the reversed one at hand, that could mean
    that it was used otherwhere as well... but then, looking at the
    glyphs, this reversed one is definitely from a different typeface, so
    it still might be a "character substitution", to speak in digital
    manners of an analogue process....


    2010/8/6 Janusz S. Bień <>:
    > An important 19th century dictionary of Polish uses two kinds of
    > section sign, illustrated in the attachment, there is over 5000
    > occurrences of the characters. Dirty OCR interpreted both of them as
    > the letter g, so you can see most of them visiting
    > switching on graphical concordances and using the query
    >   g "\." within body
    > Are you familiar with the reversed section sign? It is highly
    > improbable that the character has been designed especially for the
    > dictionary, but I am not aware of any other use of it.
    > Does it deserve to be included in the standard, directly or through a
    > variant selector?
    > Best regards
    > JSB
    > --
    >                     ,
    > dr hab. Janusz S. Bien, prof. UW -  Uniwersytet Warszawski (Katedra Lingwistyki Formalnej)
    > Prof. Janusz S. Bien - Warsaw University (Department of Formal Linguistics)

    Szelp, André Szabolcs
    +43 (650) 79 22 400

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