RE: looks like some problem in Scripts.txt file of UCD

From: Doug Ewell (
Date: Thu Aug 12 2010 - 16:41:19 CDT

  • Next message: Pravin Satpute: "Re: looks like some problem in Scripts.txt file of UCD"

    Pravin Satpute <psatpute at redhat dot com> wrote:

    > pango uses Unicode Scripts.txt file via glib2 to get script
    > information of Unicode character and then process it with the
    > respective script engine module. U+0951 and U+0952 are not getting
    > rendered properly with pango, while testing it i found that these
    > characters are assigned Script property Inherited, and that's why
    > pango is processing it with Basic Script engine module results in
    > wrong rendering.
    > ..0951..0952 ; Inherited # Mn [2] DEVANAGARI STRESS SIGN
    > This is really looks problematic, these characters are clearly belong
    > to Devanagari Script, then why they assigned Inherited property.
    > is this really bug in Unicode Database?

    According to the UCD, U+0951 and U+0952 are "used also in Vedic texts
    written in other scripts," which explains why their Script property is
    not Devanagari.

    You didn't say whether Pango was attempting to render these characters
    in isolation or in context with other Devanagari characters.
    "Inherited" means that the character inherits its Script property from
    the preceding character(s), so if either of the stress signs is preceded
    by a Devanagari character, it should make no difference whether the
    stress sign itself is categorized as Devanagari or Inherited.

    Doug Ewell | Thornton, Colorado, USA |
    RFC 5645, 4645, UTN #14 | ietf-languages @ is dot gd slash 2kf0s ­

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