From: William_J_G Overington (
Date: Thu Aug 19 2010 - 02:37:07 CDT
Regarding my post of Monday 16 August 2010, I would like to add two amendments please.
> From the g, for ascenders and descenders, count how many
> positions of clearance space there are either side of the g,
> not counting i, j, l, I, J or space characters).
I realize now that I should have put "not counting i, j, l, I, J, space or punctuation characters" and that I should have made the calculation of clearance space clearer.
So, I have reworded two sentences and added three sentences so that the whole paragraph is now as follows.
From the g, for ascenders and descenders, count how many positions of clearance space there are either side of the g, counting only alphabetic characters other than i, j, l, I and J. For ascender clearance space, a capital letter or any one of b, d, f, h, k, l, t will stop the count: for descender clearance space any one of Q, g, j, p, q, y will stop the count. The count does not include an item for the character that stopped the count. A count of zero is possible. Here there are 4 positions of clearance space back to the second t of that, 1 position of clearance space forward to the h of here, 2 positions of clearance space back to the p of spring and 5 positions of clearance space forward to the end of the line.
> The font designer would need to base
> his or her decisions on using the advance width of the
> character other than i, j, l, I, J that had the smallest
> advance width in the font.
Upon rereading my post, I realize that I should have put the word alphabetic before the word character, so that the sentence is as follows.
The font designer would need to base his or her decisions on using the advance width of the alphabetic character other than i, j, l, I, J that had the smallest advance width in the font.
William Overington
19 August 2010
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