Re: square bullets added to unicode.

From: Christopher Fynn (
Date: Fri Jan 14 2011 - 05:00:10 CST

  • Next message: Christopher Fynn: "Re: Font Website Usage Barriers and Monopoly"

    On 14/01/2011, Asmus Freytag <> wrote:

    > Correct - the anachronism is needed, because unlike the Emoji
    > characters, Unicode did not provide a dedicated mapping for these sets.
    > Given the recent decision to provide such mappings for one set of
    > vendors, adding the remaining wingdings and providing a mapping seems
    > overdue.

    Yes. A good idea since the Wingdings font, included in every copy of
    MS Windows for the last 15 years or so, is so ubiquitous (far more so
    than Zapf Dingbats or Emoji) these symbols are found all over the

    Would you include symbols in Wingdings 2, Wingdings 3, and Webdings as
    well as those in the original Wingdings?

    - Chris

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