From: Erik Pedersen (
Date: Tue Jan 18 2011 - 13:05:30 CST
On 18-Jan-11, at 9:32 AM, Anbu Kaveeswarar ( wrote:
> This serves to inform [of] a new proposal. I reserve all the rights
> to this proposal. Please provide me with the characters in your
> encoding and of their frequenc[ies] of usage. I want to use it with
> my proposal. This invention relates to [a] device for encoding of
> electronic characters....
> [...]
> one or if impossible the nearest.
Anbu Kaveeswarar provides what appears to be the text of a patent
application. The details seem unclarified by the descriptive text he
provides (computer pseudocode might be more useful), but if it is
only a circumlocution for well-known prior art like Huffman encoding,
no examiner will grant a patent. Even if the proposal is innovative,
a mathematical algorithm ought not to be patentable.
Furthermore, asking for freewill help with a proposal intended only
to enrich the proponent seems contrary to the spirit of mutual
cooperation generally expected on this listserv.
Kind regards,
Erik Pedersen
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