[Possibly off-topic]: Flash movie using some glyphs from the Webdings font (from Re: On the possibility of encoding webdings in Unicode)

From: William_J_G Overington (wjgo_10009@btinternet.com)
Date: Wed Jan 26 2011 - 12:51:36 CST

  • Next message: William_J_G Overington: "RE: On the possibility of encoding webdings in Unicode (from Re: square bullets added to unicode.)"

    I have been experimenting and have produced a Flash movie that uses some glyphs from the Webdings font.
    The movie was produced using the Opus Creator program, version 7.05.
    I have a concern in that the HTML file that calls the .swf file has lots of uses of the word cookie in it. I do not know much about cookies and it is quite possible that it is all harmless and that it might be that they are not even used in this particular case as this movie is just a displayed sequence and not interactive: I just do not know.
    However, as there has sometimes been adverse comments about cookies, I feel that I should mention the matter.
    The only change that I have made to the HTML file, which was produced automatically by the Opus Creator 7.05 program at the same time as it produced the .swf file, is to change the extension of the file name from .html to .htm as that is the usual style in our family webspace, the only exception being the home page file, which is named index.html.
    I have run the movie with no apparent problems, it seems to work fine.
    Anyway, here is the link. The movie repeats itself indefinitely, each run taking about two minutes. Simply close the browser window to stop it please.
    I hope that readers enjoy the movie.
    William Overington
    26 January 2011

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