Re: Assigning a plane for mapping digits for many different bases

From: David Starner (
Date: Tue Mar 08 2011 - 17:23:40 CST

  • Next message: Shawn Steele: "RE: Which hyphen for ZIP+4 codes?"

    On Tue, Mar 8, 2011 at 11:32 AM, Ken Whistler <> wrote:
    > There are
    > a few advocates for duodecimal systems who want special symbols for 10 and
    > 11,
    > or who want some other special encoding.

    There's enough advocates for duodecimal systems that I could make a
    case for Unicode encoding, provided Unicode was willing to unify
    massively disparate glyphs.

    Kie ekzistas vivo, ekzistas espero.

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