Missing cross-reference

From: Ian Clifton (ian.clifton@chem.ox.ac.uk)
Date: Mon Mar 14 2011 - 14:36:32 CST

  • Next message: Asmus Freytag: "Re: Missing cross-reference"

    Is this list a good place to report missing cross-references and other
    minor omissions in the standard? U+2697 ALEMBIC should perhaps be
    cross-referenced with U+1F76D ALCHEMICAL SYMBOL FOR RETORT

    Ian Clifton                   Phone: +44 1865 275677
    Chemistry Research Laboratory Fax:   +44 1865 285002
    Oxford University             ian.clifton@chem.ox.ac.uk
    Mansfield Road   Oxford OX1 3TA   UK

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