On 15/07/2011, Karl Pentzlin <karl-pentzlin_at_acssoft.de> wrote:
> In WG2 N4085 "Further proposed additions to ISO/IEC 10646 and comments to other proposals" (2011‐ 05‐25), the German NB had requested re WG2 N4022 "Proposal to add Wingdings and Webdings Symbols" besides other points:
>> "Also, in doing this work, other fonts widespread on the computers of leading manufacturers (e.g. Apple) shall be included, thus avoiding the impression that Unicode or SC2/WG2 favor a single manufacturer."
In regard to getting their "standard" symbol / dingbats fonts encoded,
isn't Apple way ahead of Microsoft? Didn't the original dingbats
symbols in Unicode get encoded mostly because the ITC Zapf Dingbats
font was built into the Apple Laserwriter?
Received on Mon Jul 18 2011 - 13:33:21 CDT
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