Re: Multiple private agreements (was: RE: Code pages and Unicode)

From: Philippe Verdy <>
Date: Thu, 25 Aug 2011 03:55:31 +0200

2011/8/24 Doug Ewell <>:
> As Richard said, and you probably already know, there is no chance that
> UTC will ever do anything with the PUA, especially anything that gives
> the appearance of endorsing its use.  I'm just thankful they haven't
> deprecated it.

The appearance of endorsing its use would only come if the website
describing the registry was using a frame using the Unicode logo.

It can act exactly like the CSUR registry, as an independant project
(with its own membership and participation policies), that would also
be helpful for collaborating with liaison members, ISO NB's, or some
local cultural organizations or collaborative projects.

The focus of this registry would only be for helping the encoding
process: registered PUAs or PUA ranges would not survive to finalized
proposals that were formally proposed and rejected by both the UTC and
WG2, and abandonned as well by its iniital promoters in the registry
(no new updated proposal), or to proposals that have been finally
released in the UCS (and there would likely be a short timeframe for
the death of these registrations, probably not exceeding one year).

It would be different from the CSUR, because CSUR also focuses on
supported PUAs that will never be suppoorted in the UCS (for example,
due to legal reasons, such as copyright which would restrict the
publication of any "representative" glyph in the UCS charts), or
creative/artistic designs

(For example, I'm still not convinced that Klingon qualifies for
encoding in the UCS, because of copyright restrictions and absence of
a formal free licence from right owners; the same would apply to any
collection of logos, including the logos of national or international
standard bodies that you can find on lots of manufactured products and
in their documentation, because the usage of these logos is severely
restricted and often implies contractual assessments by those
displaying it on their products or publications; this would also apply
to corporate logos, even if they are widely used, sometimes with
permission, but this time because these logos frequently change for
marketing reasons).
Received on Wed Aug 24 2011 - 20:58:19 CDT

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