No javascript needed, you just need a either a floatting element (but
it won't be generic enough to put the annotation links in the margin
of a table, and aligned with a table row), or a positioned element.
All only with basic CSS.
This would be much like the navigation links found in Wikisource for
displaying the link to a specific page in the paged version of a book
or chapter, in terms of presentation. You only need javascript if the
attachment point of the positioned or floatting element falls in the
middle of a paragraph or block (but you can easily place the
attachment point just before the start of this paragraph or block to
avoid the problem, in that case only CSS will be enough).
-- Philippe.
2011/8/31 Mark Davis ☕ <>:
> If there were some simple CSS to do that, it'd be worth considering.
> Incorporating anything more complicated (like JS) is probably beyond the
> scope of what the ed committee would consider, simply because of the
> maintenance effort involved.
> Mark
> — Il meglio è l’inimico del bene —
> On Wed, Aug 31, 2011 at 10:11, Philippe Verdy <> wrote:
>> 2011/8/31 Mark Davis ☕ <> wrote:
>> > You should always look at the modifications section to see what has
>> > changed.
>> > We are now using a uniform naming for the proposed versions of
>> > documents,
>> > and we use the same anchor for the modifications, so you can always see
>> > them
>> > with a URL of the following format:
>> >
>> > What would be good is to supply links to sections in the bullets where
>> > possible. Some of the TRs do that, but we are not consistent.
>> Another possibility could be adding small links that navigate to the
>> previous/next modification, displayed as floatting or positioned
>> blocks placed in the page margin, useful for the HTML version of a
>> document (but note that clickable links also exist in PDF documents
>> that can also embed navigatable anchors).
Received on Wed Aug 31 2011 - 12:53:26 CDT
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