Re: FW: Subj: Reporting error in the code chart for South Asian Scripts (Bengali)

From: delex r <>
Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2011 15:31:41 +0530 (IST)

----- Original Message -----
From: Magda Danish (Unicode) <>
Sent: Thu, 8 Sep 2011 22:50:25 +0530 (IST)
Subject: FW: Subj: Reporting error in the code chart for South Asian Scripts (Bengali)

Dear Sir,
The Assamese issue is on the UTC list of topics that will be discussed at the next meeting in November.

Magda Danish
Senior Administrative Director
The Unicode Consortium

“Partir, c’est mourir un peu…” – Edmond Haraucourt

-----Original Message-----

Date/Time: Wed Sep 7 04:48:57 CDT 2011
Report Type: Error Report
Opt Subject: Reporting error in the code chart for South Asian Scripts (Bengali)

Dear Sirs
While going through the code charts for South Asian Scripts for discovering my mother tongue "Assamese" , I have become very sad that my language has not a got a place under a separate heading. I have visited this website of yours to actually enquire about a report published in a local daily Assamese newspaper that some of the letters which are unique to our language Assamese have been shown under "Bengali" as Bengali specific additions. Specially the 09F0 ( Ro) and 09F1 (Vo). These two letters are not there in writing in Bengali language.
Pronunciation of 09B0(bengali letter Ra)is same as 09F0 while there is no letter in Bengali which is shaped like 09F1 (Vo).In fact no writings in Bengali contains 09F0 and 09F1.So calling them as Bengali specific aditions is technically incorrect.In fact due to lack of these letters in Bengali , there is difficulty in spelling the correct pronunciation of many regular Assamese words.However the reverse is always possible.

I understand that because of similarity of the shapes of the other letters , your organisation may not like the idea of alloting hexadecimal codes both for "Bengali" and " Assamese" as you may find it redundant. But the fact remains that actually the original script has been retained by the "Assamese" language.There can be a larger script which incorporates both Bengali and Assamese language and some other languages existing in the North-East region of India. But calling that script as "Bengali" is actually an error , a misnomer.


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Dear sir,

Would you like to inform something more about the forthcoming discussion in November regarding the "Assamese Issue" in the UTC meeting? Hope You are following my recent communications to the Unicode public mail list and could realise the problems in the documentation and its implications. Well thanx for atleast Unicode has improved its web link to the code chart from the main page of the consortium but going deeper into the links to pdf files, to my dismay, its where ..what should I say...almost everything went wrong.

The link to the draft version of the forthcoming pdf document provided is seen but to my dismay is no solution at all. Hope this document doesnot go on air without a tougher review. In fact the document needs a complete re-vamp and internal technical and systematic changes/modification in the standardization process.Even if no feedback comes to you from any one, Unicode should take its own initiatives/investigations to come up with a spotless standard and related documentation.

I am a bit confused whether a computer or say a microprocessor actually needs to know the characters as "BENGALI LETTER ......" for reconstructing/reproducing/displaying .. on the screen from the Hexadecimal codes (binary bits) stored/transmitted in/through media. If not why the pdf documents may not be reviewed and re-written ?
Received on Thu Sep 29 2011 - 11:53:32 CDT

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