Re: Unicode 6.2 to Support the Turkish Lira Sign

From: Philippe Verdy <>
Date: Mon, 28 May 2012 04:11:39 +0200

May be this time you were a little tired when posting this message,
which is almost impossible to decipher to know what you really want to
mean or demonstrate. All of this is ambiguous.

Consider rewriting that once you have slept a good night in your bed
at home, if you ever had a good sunny weekend for the Christian fest
up to this Monday and just returned to your home after a too long trip
by car and some busy nights ! (I think this Monday was a holiday in
Ireland too).

-- Philippe ;-)

2012/5/28 Michael Everson <>:
> Get over it. Please just get over it. It doesn't matter. It's a blort.
> There are many blorts. I've discovered some working with Unifon. I haven't exactly had much support from the UTC with what I've discovered. I've found the usual posturing about possible unifications with other scripts.
> I went in saying, well, we could do this like Lisu, which none of you will like. And that was true eniough. So I did it the unification way as was agreeed one UTC, but then I get push-back about the encoding model and isn't the script dead and more of that.
> None of that helps me to a  practical way to use the UCS to publish Unifon texts, in paper form or in eBook form.
> That's a whole hell of a lot more aggravating than a currency sign. At least to me.
Received on Sun May 27 2012 - 21:17:36 CDT

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