Re: Latin chi and stretched x

From: Denis Jacquerye <>
Date: Thu, 7 Jun 2012 16:31:06 +0200

On Thu, Jun 7, 2012 at 1:16 AM, Michael Everson <> wrote:
> On 6 Jun 2012, at 08:55, Szelp, A. Sz. wrote:
>> but it's Michael himself who's recognized that "Teuthonista suffers from a good deal of extraordinarily bad typography", which shows us, that the different stroke weight distribution is actually just "bad typography".
> This is incorrect. Teuthonista clearly stretched a Latin x. This is obvious from the way that it has one or two long legs, with or without hooks or curls. Teuthonista did not use a greek chi and deform it with a short leg and with hooks and curls. Bad German/Austrian/Swiss typography attempting to render (in lead type) Teuthonista's stretched x sometimes substituted Greek chi for it because printers had those in their sorts. But Teuthonista's stretched x is just that -- a Latin x, stretched -- and it is not a Chi, either a Latin Chi or a Greek Chi.

This is confusing.
By Teuthonista, you must mean that Teuthonista used in SBS 1997-2009,
SNiB 2003-2010, etc., specific to Bavarian German dialectology, where
stretched-x is in a serif italic below baseline, and not that
Teuthonista used in the journal Teuthonista 1925 (or later Zeitschrift
für Mundartforschung 1964), SDS 1962-2003, etc., which clearly used a
chi (like Böhmer's did) and have no additional symbols with low left
serif, right ring, low right ring or long leg.
German dialectology works used chi long before those additional
symbols were introduced, it doesn't make sense that they would use a
stretched-x (with the glyph of chi) instead for appendices they had no
use for back then.

> So, the stretched x must be taken out of the equation. Then you are left with Lepsius curly Greek chi with a giant capital, and the IPA's Times-like Chi with chi-weight and not x-weight. Those two should and could be unified. And disunified from Greek chi.

Yes, IPA's chi and Lepsius chi should be unified, and separate from Greek chi.
But you can't justify a capital Chi with Greek weight with Lepsius'
capital Chi which has Latin weights.

Denis Moyogo Jacquerye
Received on Thu Jun 07 2012 - 09:35:20 CDT

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