On Mon, Jul 16, 2012 at 11:48 PM, Doug Ewell <doug_at_ewellic.org> wrote:
> There was a discussion on this list around May 2000 regarding the
> so-called copyleft symbol. There were concerns that it was not really a
> symbol with legal standing, like © and ® and ™, but more of a logo,
It was more than just some random logo back then, and the issue was
brought to discussion several times later. The copyleft symbol, as
well as the creative commons generic symbol and its derivatives
("attribution", "non commercial", "no derivatives", and "share
alike"), has been in wide use for a long time as a semantic text
character. (See, for instance, <
http://www.flickr.com/creativecommons/ >.)
I am convinced that they were not accpeted for encoding (if they were
ever even formally proposed) due purely to ideological reasons — as
Doug’s tone above suggests.
> Obviously, with recent developments in the type of symbols that have
> been encoded, the objections expressed in 2000 might no longer apply.
Yeah, emoji.
However, there’s nothing preventing anyone from using the following:
U+2183 U+20DD copy left (as said)
U+33C4 U+20DD creative commons
U-00010080 U+20DD attribution
U+0024 U+20E0 non commercial
U+003D U+20DD no derivatives
U+27F2 U+20DD share alike
This resonates nicely with people who think that things like U+00A9
COPYRIGHT SIGN and U+267E PERMANENT PAPER SIGN should have been given
canonical decompositions.
-- ____.
António MARTINS-Tuválkin | ()|
<tuvalkin_at_gmail.com> Não me invejo de quem tem |####|
PT-1500-111 LISBOA carros, parelhas e montes |
+351 934 821 700, +351 212 463 477 só me invejo de quem bebe |
facebook.com/profile.php?id=744658416 a água em todas as fontes |
De sable uma fonte e bordadura escaqueada de jalde e goles, por timbre a
bandeira, por mote o 1º verso acima, e por grito de guerra "Mi rajtas!".
Received on Mon Jul 23 2012 - 09:25:09 CDT
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