Re: Apostrophe, and DIN keyboard (was: U+25CA LOZENGE)

From: Cristian Secară <>
Date: Wed, 15 Aug 2012 00:17:22 +0300

ÃŽn data de Mon, 13 Aug 2012 22:00:21 +0200, Otto Stolz a scris:

> DIN 2137 (from 1976) is for computers:
> These keyboards always had both the acute, and grave, accents,
> and the (ASCII) apostrophe.

Yes, but they are defined as dead keys. I have a copy of the
DIN 2137-2:2003-09 where at page 8 says this (for Group 1):
Taste in Position E12
(1 Ebene) Akut (b)
(2 Ebene) Gravis (b)

(b) Schriftzeichen mit Unterdrückung des Zeichenschrittes (Tottaste),
siehe 3.9

For sure it can be used as distinct character (in conjunction with
space), but I find this a bit uncomfortable for usual writing.


Cristian Secară
Received on Tue Aug 14 2012 - 16:20:21 CDT

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