Of course this is regrettable. The efforts that were demanded was not
about encoding, but about doumenting recommanded usages for best
representing texts in various languages.
I hope that the European Union will instead refocus its project to
cooperate in the CLDR projet, instead of abandoning it completely. I
hope that some day the European Union will become an active member of
the CLDR TC, because there is still LOT of work to do, and a large
demand for it for an extended period (if not permanent).
2012/11/10 Erkki I Kolehmainen <eik_at_iki.fi>:
> FYI: After a very long process the European Commission has rejected the
> standardization project for “Core Character repertoire” (that was also
> presented at IUC 34) with the following rationale:
> “As the Unicode standard includes all the standard characters needed in all
> official EU languages as well as almost all characters needed in most of the
> world’s writing systems, it is difficult to see what benefits there would be
> in implementing a specialisation of Unicode only for EU languages.
> “In addition, the problems described in the proposal are related to
> non-implementation of this standard, and a new one would not change these
> problems.
> It would appear from the above that the Commission is regrettably unaware of
> the difference between encoding and character repertoire issues and the
> extensive work needed to be done with confusables and other security aspects
> of Unicode as well as of the need for guidance on the fallback mechanisms
> required in several instances. Unfortunately, since the said
> “specialisation” is ultimately required for the implementation of public
> registers in each country for both their own use and also for the much
> needed interoperability between EU member states, they’ll have to do it on
> their own without the benefits of a joint standardization effort.
Received on Sat Nov 10 2012 - 18:27:36 CST
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