Word reversal from Abobe to Word

From: Raymond Mercier <rm459_at_cam.ac.uk>
Date: Thu, 7 Feb 2013 10:21:58 -0000

This problem is not precisely about Unicode - or is it?
If I have a Hebrew text displayed in Adobe Acrobat I can select part of it
and can paste it into Word. The trouble is that while individual characters
are correctly displayed the order is reversed. Thus if I have in Acrobat
 קודמ (meaning 'prior')
when pasted into Word I get
Every effort to put this right has failed, and yet it must have been met by
many others.
It's not really about Word as such, since pasting into Notepad has the same
What does one do ?

Raymond Mercier
Received on Thu Feb 07 2013 - 04:28:03 CST

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