Re: Word reversal from Abobe to Word

From: Andreas Prilop <>
Date: Mon, 11 Feb 2013 20:55:20 +0100 (CET)

On Thu, 7 Feb 2013, Raymond Mercier wrote:

> I am using the full commercial Adobe Acrobat version 6, running on XP.
> If there is more than one word, the order of words IS correct,
> but the order of characters in each word is reversed.

(I don't know about your program.)
You can find out how characters are stored inside your program:
Take a word that contains the same letter twice, say "Yerushalayim".
Search for "yod".
Look which yod is selected first.

Your program might store Hebrew text as in the attached HTML file.
You can see your effect there, too.

Received on Mon Feb 11 2013 - 14:01:41 CST

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