Re: Capitalization in German

From: Leif Halvard Silli <>
Date: Tue, 19 Feb 2013 18:35:27 +0100

Werner LEMBERG, Tue, 19 Feb 2013 10:48:52 +0100 (CET):
> Otto Stoltz wrote:
>> Here is a minimal pair to illustrate that point:
>> Er hat in Moskau liebe Genossen.
>> Er hat in Moskau Liebe genossen.
>> which translates to:
>> At Moskow, he’s got dear comrades.
>> At Moskow, he has enjoyed love.
> A classical joke are those two newspaper header lines:
> Der Gefangene floh
> Der gefangene Floh
> which translates to
> The Prisoner Escaped
> The Caught Flea
> And in this case, the prosody in German is *exactly* the same.

So in this case, the imaginary newspapers made use of written forms
that they perhaps would not have used orally, if instead of newspapers
they had been Radio channels.

The general subject here is the fact that “outer“ things, such as the
(effect of the) “look“ of the language, affects on the “inner“ things,
namely how we use the language.

leif halvard silli
Received on Tue Feb 19 2013 - 11:41:34 CST

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