The UTC has posted a new Public Review Issue regarding a proposal to
specify optional conjuncts in Malayalam
In Malayalam there are two prevailing orthographies, traditional and
reformed. Both are written using the same Malayalam character set. The
difference between them is typically manifested only by the font.
Traditional orthography accommodates more full conjuncts, while the
reformed orthography would use visibile virama (Chandrakkala) separated
sequences for many of those full conjuncts.
This proposal specifies the further use of ZWJ and ZWNJ in sequences in
the Malayalam script to indicate preferences for optional display of
conjuncts. Such sequences are intended to indicate the preferences, both
for rendering systems that support the reformed Malayalam orthography
and for systems that support the traditional Malayalam orthography.
The UTC is seeking feedback on this proposal, regarding its advisability
and potential impacts on implementations, as well as any suggestions for
alternative approaches to the issues raised in the background document.
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