Re: If Unicode wants to show the Red Card to someone ...

From: William_J_G Overington <>
Date: Tue, 2 Apr 2013 14:16:11 +0100 (BST)

I found the following.

It appears that the red card and the yellow card are British inventions and were invented so as to assist communication through the language barrier between a referee and a player at an international football match where the referee and the player may perhaps not speak the same language.

My opinion is that it would be a good to encode the cards with variation selector capability such that an author may request monochrome heraldic hatching style or coloured card without heraldic hatching style from plain text.

William Overington

2 April 2013

--- On Monday 1 April 2013, Karl Pentzlin <> wrote:

> From: Karl Pentzlin <>
> Subject: If Unicode wants to show the Red Card to someone ...
> To:
> Date: Monday, 1 April, 2013, 10:52
> In the tradition of today's date to
> present proposals with a
> somewhat more entertaining subject than usual, there is:
> "Proposal to encode symbols for penalty cards in the UCS".
> Until you find it on the usual lists, you can see it at:
> - Karl
Received on Tue Apr 02 2013 - 08:20:33 CDT

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