Re: What does one do if the encoding is unknown and all you have is a sequence of bytes?

From: Mark Davis ☕ <>
Date: Fri, 19 Jul 2013 21:42:17 +0200

Popping up a level.

ICU (and some other libraries) have heuristic encoding detection, that will
take a sequence of bytes and come up with a likely encoding id.

Mark <>
*— Il meglio è l’inimico del bene —*

On Fri, Jul 19, 2013 at 8:40 PM, Whistler, Ken <> wrote:

> > Suppose that these hex bytes:
> >
> > C3 83 C2 B1
> >
> > show up in a message and the message contains no hint what its encoding
> is.
> >
> > Perhaps it is 8859-1, in which case the message consists of four 1-byte
> > characters:
> >
> > C3 = Ã
> > 83 = the “no break here” character
> > C2 = Â
> > B1 = ±
> >
> > Perhaps it is UTF-8, in which case the message consists of two 2-byte
> > characters:
> >
> > C383 = 쎃
> > C2B1 = 슱
> Actually, that would be interpreting it as UTF-16, not as UTF-8. That
> can probably be quickly ruled out if the rest of the text is not obviously
> in UTF-16.
> Interpreted as UTF-8, it would be:
> C3 83 --> U+00C3 = Ã
> C2 B1 --> U+00B1 = ±
> More likely than the other two alternatives you cite.
> Of course, you also have to consider serial corruptions as a possibility.
> It could have started out as UTF-8 C3 B1 --> U+00F1 = ñ.
> Then the <C3 B1> got misinterpreted as Latin-1, and then re-misinterpreted
> as UTF-8 again.
> --Ken
Received on Fri Jul 19 2013 - 14:45:42 CDT

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