Re: Corrigendum #9

From: Martin J. Dürst <>
Date: Wed, 04 Jun 2014 19:01:57 +0900

On 2014/06/04 03:59, Richard Wordingham wrote:
> On Tue, 03 Jun 2014 16:09:27 +0900
> "Martin J. Dürst" <> wrote:
>> I'd strongly suggest that completely independent of when and how
>> Corrigendum #9 gets tweaked or fixed, a quick and firm plan gets
>> worked out for how to get rid of these codepoints in CLDR data. The
>> sooner, the better.
> I suspect this has already been done. I know of no CLDR text files
> still containing them.

Really great if that's true! Regards, Martin.

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Received on Wed Jun 04 2014 - 05:03:23 CDT

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