RE: fonts for U7.0 scripts

From: Deborah W. Anderson <>
Date: Wed, 22 Oct 2014 06:48:00 -0700

Dear Andrew,
Most of the scripts listed below did come via Script Encoding Initiative (SEI), you are correct.

The intent of SEI was to work on proposals and provide fonts but, to date, the focus of the work has been almost exclusively on getting scripts into Unicode and not on the creation of distributable fonts. I will modify the wording on the webpage accordingly.

Ideally, I would like to have free fonts made available via SEI, but it hasn't been possible due to funding constraints. In the future, I plan to work closely with ScriptSource (and other projects that make free fonts available), and will encourage the creation and submission of free fonts to such projects, though at this point SEI doesn't have the funding itself to pay for such work, unfortunately.

Debbie Anderson

-----Original Message-----
From: Unicode [] On Behalf Of Andrew West
Sent: Wednesday, October 22, 2014 2:51 AM
To: Mark Davis ☕️
Cc: Unicode Public
Subject: Re: fonts for U7.0 scripts

On 22 October 2014 08:27, Mark Davis ☕️ <> wrote:
> I'm looking for freely downloadable TTF fonts for any of the
> following. I'd appreciate links to sites for any of these:
> Bassa_Vah
> Duployan
> Grantha
> Khojki
> Khudawadi
> Mahajani
> Mende_Kikakui
> Modi
> Mro
> Nabataean
> Old_Permic
> Palmyrene
> Pau_Cin_Hau
> Tirhuta
> Warang_Citi

Was the encoding of any of these scripts funded by the Script Encoding Initiative? According to the SEI
( "Funding is used primarily for the creation of proposals on a per-project basis and for fonts. Fonts will be made available over the Unicode website and will be available for free distribution but cannot be bundled with commercial products."

Although I have to say that I cannot see anywhere on the Unicode website that provides fonts for SEI-funded scripts.


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