Unicode 7.0 Paperback Available

From: <announcements_at_unicode.org>
Date: Fri, 16 Jan 2015 12:16:58 -0800

The Unicode 7.0 core specification is now available in paperback book form.

Responding to requests, the editorial committee has created a pair of
modestly-priced print-on-demand volumes that contain the complete text
of the core specification of Version 7.0 of the Unicode Standard.

The form-factor in this edition has been changed from US letter to 6×9
inch US trade paperback size, making the two volumes more compact than
previous versions. The two volumes may be purchased separately or
together. The cost for the pair is US$16.27, plus postage and applicable
taxes. Please visit http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/unicode to order.

Note that these volumes do not include the Version 7.0 code charts, nor
do they include the Version 7.0 Standard Annexes and Unicode Character
Database, all of which are available only on the Unicode website,

Purchase The Unicode Standard, Version 7.0 - Core Specification


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Received on Fri Jan 16 2015 - 14:24:02 CST

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