Re: Unicode 7.0 Paperback Available (correction)

From: Pierpaolo Bernardi <>
Date: Sat, 17 Jan 2015 01:06:16 +0100

In May 2012 1 USD = 0.78 EUR, and the 6.1 book cost me (all included) US$ 33.24

Today, 1USD = 0.86 EUR, Lulu does not show me prices in USD, only in
EUR, and asks me 64.56 EUR, for the 7.0 books, using the same shipping

The difference in exchange rates does not explain this.

The 2012 price breaks down in this way:

Subtotale $15.96
Spedizione $13.75
IVA: $3.53
Totale $33.24

Today they ask me for the two books:

Subtotale: €22.20
Spedizione: €33.99
IVA: €8,37
Totale: €64.56


On Sat, Jan 17, 2015 at 12:39 AM, Asmus Freytag (t)
<> wrote:
> On 1/16/2015 2:07 PM, Pierpaolo Bernardi wrote:
>> On Fri, Jan 16, 2015 at 10:53 PM, Pierpaolo Bernardi
>> <> wrote:
>>> And why Lulu says they can ship them only from North America? (so
>>> shipping costs 33.99 EUR, making the total (64.56 EUR = 74.67 USD) not
>>> so cheap anymore)
>> As a point of comparison, the Addison-Wesley edition of the 5.0
>> version, bought from Amazon, cost me 55.69 EUR in 2006, included taxes
>> and shipping.
> Interestingly enough, because of currency rates, your equivalent USD price
> in 2006 would have been nearly identical, approximately $72.50 (depnding on
> which date your order was converted).
> Looks like the difference in the price in EUR is largely accounted for by
> the recent over valuation of the dollar and undervaluation of the Euro.
> A./
>> P.
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